2020-013 Announcement on Providing Guarantees for SPV on the Issuance of Overseas Bonds.pdf
2020-012 Announcement on the Reappointment of the Audit Firm for 2020 Financial Audit and Internal Control Audit of the Company.pdf
2020-011 Announcement on 2019 Profit Distribution Proposal.pdf
2020-010 Announcement on Resolutions of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors.pdf
2020-003 Announcement on Forecast Growth of Operation Results for Year 2019.pdf
2020-2 Announcement on Resolution of the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2020.pdf
2020-001 Report on the Repurchase of A Shares of the Company By Means of Centralized Bidding.pdf
2019-027 Announcement on Shareholding of the Top Ten Shareholders and the Top Ten Shareholders not subject to Conditional Sales with regards to the Repurchase of A Shares of the Company.pdf